When Istanbul Was Constantinople

January 13, 2008

In 334 AD, the city was invaded by Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, an act that was to shape the city’s destiny for the next 1000 years. Constantine crossed the Bosphorus to Chyrsopolis, now Üsküdar. He gained control of the city and declared it Nova Roma, or New Rome, the second capital of the Roman […]

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Istanbul Known as Byzantium

January 10, 2008

The foundation of Istanbul is usually dated in 667 BC, when the Megarian King Byzas arrived at the mouth of the Bosphorus. The legend goes that Byzas had consulted the oracle at Delphi, Greece, as to where he should found a city and been given the cryptic reply ‘Opposite the blind’. The king spotted a […]

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The History of Istanbul

January 8, 2008

Istanbul was founded in the 7th century BC on a natural spot, from which trade over the Bosphorus could be controlled. For over 16 centuries it has been a large capital, first of the Byzantine Empire and afterwards of the Ottoman sultans. If the Earth was a single state, Istanbul would be its capital. Napoleon […]

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Istanbul, Pas Constantinople: Timeline and Brief Overview

January 5, 2008

For those among you who don’t have a lot of time or have very little interest in what happened in the past, here is Istanbul at a glance. Thorough as I am, of course I also provided an in-depth view on Istanbul’s fascinating history for you.

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There Is Something about Istanbul

January 1, 2008

Let’s get a few things straight right from the start: I wasn’t born in Istanbul (nor Turkey for that matter) neither am I the offspring of Turkish parents. On top of that, I can barely make myself understandable in the Turkish language. Yet, I felt the need to start this weblog about Istanbul. Why, one […]

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